суббота, 16 мая 2009 г.


Kiev (Ukrainian: Київ - Kyiv, Russian: Киев - "Kiev") is the capital and largest city of Ukraine with - officially - over 2.7 million inhabitants (unofficially claimed number is up to 4.0 million inhabitants). The city is located in north central Ukraine on the Dnipro (Dniepr) river.


Ukrainians are understandably very proud of their capital's role in establishing European civilisation in Eastern Europe.

Kiev is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, its official history dating back to the 5th century, although settlement on this location was present since much earlier. By late 9th century Kiev became the chef-lieu of the emerging state of the Eastern Slavic tribes, and between the 10th and early 13th century, it reached its golden age as the capital of the first Ukrainian state known today as Kievan Rus, (Kyivan Ruthenia, or Rus-Ukraine), which predated modern Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

In the middle of the 13th century Kievan Rus was overrun by the Mongols, and later this century Kiev became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1654 Kiev was liberated from the commonwealth by Cossack Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who then promptly signed the city over to become a protectorate of Russia.

In 1775 it was completely annexed by the Russian Empire. The city remained under Russian rule, with brief, but uncertain, periods of independence in between 1918 and 1920. During these two centuries, Kiev experienced growing Russification and Russian immigration. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kiev became the capital of independent Ukraine and is now quickly learning the role of a large European capital.

According to the last census (2001) Kiev has a population of 2,600,000, although it's generally acknowledged that, in 2006, that the population is over 3 million. About 85% declare themselves as Ukrainians, 12% as Russians, there are also Armenian, Azeri, Belarusian, Jewish, Georgian, Polish, Romanian and Tatar minorities. Today, not only has the population of Kiev likely increased, but also percentage of Ukrainians declaring Ukrainian nationality, as a result of the strong nationalist movement after the October 2004 Orange Revolution. Nevertheless, even most ethnic Ukrainians in Kiev tend to use Russian more frequently than Ukrainian both in business and in everyday conversation.

About 40% of the population has secondary education.

The average summer temperature is 24°C, and in winter is -4°C.

Russian is widely spoken in Kiev, particularly in business, including shops and restaurants. The common English name for the city, "Kiev," is a transliteration from the Russian language. The transliteration of the city's name from Ukrainian is "Kyiv", and this variation is used in many English language materials in Ukraine.

Many people in Kyiv are hospitable and will be eager to help you. However, if you're from Western Europe or North America, you may find service in restaurants and shops less attentive than you're accustomed to.

Apartment Rentals Kiev

суббота, 9 мая 2009 г.

Day of decision!

Finally after 15 months, numerous documents notarized, apostilled, translated into Ukrainian, then notarized in Ukraine, submitted to government, redoing some of the documents because of some technicalities, meeting with a lawyer, paying court fees and an hour in the courtroom with the judge – the decision has been announced that Sergei and Valera are part of the Kuenzli family. Well, at least in 10 more days as Ukraine requires a 10 day waiting period before it’s all signed sealed and delivered.

Now you may be asking – it that the end? Nope! After the 10 days are over we begin the task of getting new Ukrainian documents with their new names. Which by the way are – Will Peterson and James Peterson Kuenzli. On 19 May we’ll start getting their new birth certificates, tax IDs, and then medical exams (required by the US govt), Ukrainian passports and finally the all important US visa. That should be all finished by 29 May, if all goes as we have planned.

Probably the best part of this whole thing was when Sergei (Will) asked me as the judge was reading the official court decree in its entirety – “if the judge says yes, does that mean we now have a Mom and Dad?” When I told him yes he got a HUGE smile on his face. There was absolutely no doubting what he wanted the outcome to be!

Please continue to pray as we finish the documents and as the boys begin transitioning! Thanks!!

ps. Appartment Kiev Ukraine